
Congratulations they said....

Congratulations they said
For what? That I got out of bed?
That my tears are on my pillow instead of my face?
For my total and crazy lack off grace?

Congratulations they said
For what? For the anxiety I had?
For the years that have gone by
The life I don't have even though I try

Congratulations they said
For what? That I live but feel dead?
For the pain that is stuck in my heart?
Like someone with my soul is playing dart

Congratulations I say to me
For what? That I am going to be free
Wash my pillows with my tears
Live, and actually face my fears

Congratulations I say
For what? I am going out to play!
Play dart with my anxiety inside
Throw it away along with the pain I hide

Congratulations to myself
For what? I will put my pain on a shelf
Look at it as nothing to hide
Hope I will question why I even tried

Congratulations to me
For what? That I am beginning to see
That my feelings matters,and soon a person I will be
Yes, I will fly, I will dive, I will finally be free...

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